Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Kjaer Global Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 3980391 (we, us and our being interpreted accordingly). Our registered address is 157 Archway Road, London N6 5BL, United Kingdom – VAT number GB629785583.

1. What is this Privacy Policy is for?
This Privacy Policy explains how Kjaer Global ltd., as data controllers of,, and our online shop trading under Kjaer Global ltd. will use any personal data and other private information collected from you as a user of these websites or when you correspond with us – including as an academy member, course participant, subscriber, customer or agent.

Kjaer Global ltd is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a company processing your personal data. For the purpose of this policy, personal data is any information from which you can be identified, including name, date of birth, email address, delivery address, billing address, telephone number and IP address.

At Kjaer Global we are committed to protecting the privacy of all our users and anyone interacting with us. We will never offer any information about you to any outside company or third party unless we receive your prior consent.

We do our best to ensure that information you provide is kept secure and managed within the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

If there are aspects of how we collect and use your data that you find unsatisfactory, please contact us in the first instance so we can try to resolve your concerns. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), supervisory authority for data protection in the UK.

By using our website or submitting your personal data you are taken to accept the terms of this Policy, so please read the following carefully.

2. What information do we collect and why?
We collect information about you when you place an order for products or services, or register with us. We also collect information when you communicate with us, complete surveys, subscribe to our newsletter, submit an academy membership application, provide feedback or supply us with information during the course of our relationship. Information on how our websites are used is collected using cookies, as described in our Cookie Policy.

We may collect the following personal data about you:

  • Identity & Contact Data may include personal details you provide such as name, title, gender, billing and delivery address, email address; business address and phone number.
  • Financial Data may include information about your debit/credit card and bank account information that we require for the purpose of recording and processing academy memberships or any other purchase relating to products and services; this includes administering your membership, subscription or course participation.
  • Transaction Data may include details about payments between us and other details of purchases made by you.
  • Technical Data may include your login data, IP address/es, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, time zone setting and location, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access our websites.
  • Marketing and Communications Data may include your preferences in receiving marketing communications and newsletters from us and approved third parties and your communication preferences.
  • Personal Profile Data may include personal details you choose to give when corresponding with us by phone or email or that you provide to us when you participate in one of our workshops. It may also include other personal information that you choose to submit to websites we operate.
  • Membership Data may include your username and password, course progress, associated purchases or orders, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
  • Usage Data may include information about how you use our website, products and services. Please see our Cookie Policy for detailed information.

We may also aggregate data to, for instance, work out how many users are using a specific website feature – aggregated data does not reveal personal identities. Should we link the aggregated data back to individuals, so that it is no longer anonymous, we then treat it as personal data.

3. How we collect your personal information
Data is collected through various methods including:

  • Direct interactions When filling in forms on our website or during workshops and events; communicating with us by post, Skype, phone, email or other methods, including when you:

– order our products or services;
– create an account;
– sign up for an online course;
– become an academy member;
– subscribe to our service or publications, including newsletters;
– request that resources (including proposals) or other information be sent to you;
– enter a survey, quiz or give us feedback and reviews.

  • Automated technologies or interactions When you use our site, we may automatically collect technical data about your device, browsing and usage patterns. We collect this data by using cookies, server logs and similar technologies. Please see our Cookie Policy below for further details.
  • Third parties or publicly available sources We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources such as:
    – analytics providers, such as Google, based outside the EU;
    – search information providers, such as Google, based outside the EU;
    – contact, financial and transaction data from providers of technical, payment and delivery services based inside and outside the EU, such as PayPal, Stripe and Woocommerce;
    – identity and contact data from aggregators for our business customers only

4. How we use your Data
We will only use your personal data as legally permitted. The most common uses of your personal data are:

  • Where we need to make a contract between us.
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Transfer of Data: If you are located outside the United Kingdom and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including personal data, to the United Kingdom and process it there.

We may use your personal data in the following ways:

  • To acknowledge, confirm and deal with your academy membership, course participation, subscription or as a customer or client.
  • Where we provide you with membership services, subscriptions or course participation and administer your membership account.
  • To process and, where required, deliver your order including (a) manage payments, fees and charges (b) collect and recover money owed to us.
  • To facilitate courses, talks, workshops or consulting sessions that you have purchased or registered for. This may include sharing your data with third-party collaborators or sub-contractors.
  • To manage our relationship with you, including: (a) notifying you about changes to our terms or privacy policy (b) asking you to leave a review or take a survey.
  • To administer our website and ensure it is maintained and presented in the most effective manner and optimised to your device.
  • For internal business/technical functions and operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes and as part of our efforts to keep our website optimised and secure.
  • To use data analytics to improve our website, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences.
  • Where we are asked to deal with any enquiries or complaints you make.

Communications including Marketing and Newsletters
You will receive communications from us if you have:

  • requested information from us or purchased goods or services from us.
  • provided us with your details and agreed to us sending you communications or Newsletters.

You can ask us to stop sending you Newsletters or other marketing communications at any time by following the opt-out links on Newsletters and communications sent to you. Alternatively, email us at to request an opt out.

5. Disclosure of your Information
We may share your personal data with third parties and for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilment providers such as logistics companies, review platforms, social media platforms and membership service providers.
  • Operations support such as card processing or payment services and credit reference agencies (See also 6. Payment Information).
  • IT and system administration service providers.
  • Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors and consulting banking, legal, insurance and accounting services.
  • HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities based in the United Kingdom and other relevant jurisdictions that require reporting in certain circumstances.
  • Third parties to whom we may sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets.
  • To protect us, our members, subscribers, course participants or contractors against loss or damage. This may include (without limit) exchanging information with courts or law enforcement organisations and officers.

We will not share your details with any other third parties unless we have your explicit consent.

All third parties are required to treat transferred data in accordance with the law and keep it secure. Third parties will only ever be allowed to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

We may disclose your personal information to a third party, whether in compliance with an applicable law or regulation or by court order or in connection with legal proceedings, if we reasonably believe that we are required by law to do so.

6. Payment Information
Any credit/debit card payments and other payments you make through this website will be processed by third party payment providers (currently Braintree, a division of PayPal) and Stripe. Please read their Privacy Policies carefully. Links provided below.

The payment data you submit will be securely stored and encrypted by our payment service providers in accordance with current industry standards. Please note that we do not ourselves directly process or store debit/credit card data that you submit.

We may arrange that card or payment data you submit in support of a membership, subscription or a course is stored for the purpose of processing your application, initiating your membership and collecting your subscription fees (if you are put on to a waiting list, please note that this data may be stored for later use to initiate your membership and subscription). We may also store and use this card or payment information for the purpose of processing any future payments that you make as a member for additional products and services. We will store this data in accordance with our legal obligations under applicable law and only for so long as legally permitted.

Stripe Privacy Policy can be viewed at

PayPal Privacy Policy can be viewed at

7. Security
The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) such as by our local agents who process your payment details in connection with contracts for our business clients, and collaborators who provide IT support services.

If we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we do our best to ensure a similar degree of protection of data as within the EEA, by making sure that safeguards are implemented:

  • We only transfer personal data to countries that have been deemed by the European Commission to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data;
  • Where we use certain service providers or exchange data with collaborators, we may use specific codes of conduct or certification mechanisms approved by the European Commission ensuring a satisfactory level of protection of personal data;
  • If using providers or exchanging data with collaborators based in the United States, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield, which requires them to provide similar protection to that afforded to personal data shared between EU countries.

We may request your consent to the specific transfer. You will have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

Where you have chosen or we have given you a password or log-in that enables you to access certain restricted parts of our website, you are responsible for doing everything you reasonably can to keep these details secret.

We will never share your password or log-in details with anyone. While the transmission of information over the internet or public communications networks can never be guaranteed to be completely secure, we take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect the personal data that you submit to us against unauthorised/unlawful access or loss, destruction or damage.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

8. Children/Young People: Our Service does not currently address anyone under the age of 18. This means we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under 18. Please contact us if you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data without your consent. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a minor without parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

9. Data Retention
We will only keep personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

When determining the retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means. We always ensure we adhere to applicable legal requirements.

For tax purposes we are required by law to keep basic information about our customers, employees or clients for six years after they cease being customer, employee or client. This data includes Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data.

In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data: see below for further information.

In some circumstances we may anonymise data – so that it can no longer be associated with individuals – for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice.

10. Your Data Protection Rights
In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

  • The right to access. This enables you to check, update or delete information about you.
  • The right of rectification. You have the right to have your information rectified if that information is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The right to object. You have the right to object to processing of your personal data.
  • The right of restriction. You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to data portability. You have the right to be provided with a copy of information held about you in a machine-readable and commonly used format.
  • The right to withdraw consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent to us processing your private data at any time.
  • The right to be forgotten. You have the right to request erasure of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us (see below).

Find more information about your rights here:

We may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

For security, we may need to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data, or exercise any of your other rights. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request.

Future changes to our Privacy Policy
Any changes we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and notified to you by email where appropriate. Please check back regularly to keep updated with potential changes.

Contact us
Questions, comments or requests regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed to or our headquarters address to: Harald Brekke, Kjaer Global ltd, 157 Archway Road, London N6 5BL, United Kingdom.

If for any reason you feel that your privacy or security has been compromised, please contact us immediately at:

Updated May 2018

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy
This site uses cookies to improve your user experience and enhance navigation. By using our website you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy.

1. What is this Cookie Policy for?
This website (Site) uses cookies, pixels or similar tracking technologies (Cookies) to distinguish you from other users, providing you with the best possible user experience when you browse our websites and allows us to improve its features. This Cookie Policy describes the Cookies we may use on our websites and their purpose. You should also check our Privacy Policy for information about how we handle personal data on our websites.

2. What are Cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer or other device when you access a website. Pixels, also known as web beacons or web bugs, are small blocks of code on webpages and in emails that have a variety of functions, including enabling another computer server to measure viewing of a webpage. These are often used in conjunction with Cookies. Cookies enable computer servers to collect information from your computer or device and assess how you interact with a website. To find out more about cookies visit:

3. How we use Cookies
We use Cookies to help us understand how our website is used and to provide a more user-friendly experience when you access our online services. For example, using information about your previous visits to our website, we can tailor content to match your particular interests when you revisit our website or use any services on it. Cookies will never be used by us to collect sensitive personal data or financial details, such as credit card information. You can disable Cookies by adjusting the settings on your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer; Safari; Chrome; Firefox or Opera) although this may affect your ability to fully utilise our Site. We may also use Cookies for the following purposes:

  • Authentication:To recognise you if you are signed in to our Site.
  • Security: To enable security features on our websites and help us detect any security threats or potential illegal activity.
  • Performance: To highlight services that we believe may interest you based on your previous use of our websites. To help us monitor visitor traffic and understand how our websites are used, we have enabled a third party software tool Google Analytics to collect data; Such performance Cookies do not routinely collect information that personally identifies a visitor by name to minimise impact on personal privacy. Visitors have the ability to opt-out of the Google Analytics features we use. To download the opt-out browser add on click here
  • Functionality: To speed up use and improve function. Some Cookies allow our website to remember information from previous visits, such as contact details previously submitted. For example, when you complete an online form (such as when you register for a service) we use a Cookie that (if you consent) will remember your details if you use the same computer to complete another form. These Cookies may also be used to provide information you request such as publications or newsletters.

4. Essential Cookies
Some Cookies are essential in order to enable users to navigate our websites or to enable users to receive a particular service they have requested. Such Cookies are regarded as necessary and we do not need to ask your permission to use them.

5. Third Party Cookies
Our websites may also allow third parties to download Cookies to your device. For example, if you choose to share content from our website with friends through a third-party site such as Facebook or another social network, you may be sent Cookies from these third-party service providers over which we have no control. If you choose to share such content, you may wish to check the relevant third-party services provider’s terms/policies for more information about Cookies that they use.

Questions, comments or requests regarding this Cookie Policy should be addressed to or our headquarters address to: Harald Brekke, Kjaer Global ltd, 157 Archway Road, London N6 5BL, United Kingdom.

Updated May 2018

Ask us anything about the future, our courses or your project

Drop us a line anytime with your questions or request, and we will respond within 48 hours