Trend Cards are a core tool in Trend Management workshops. Each Card represents a building block of the future and can be used in multiple ways, some of which you can read about below.



In progress – check back soon

The Kjaer Global toolkit

Kjaer Global has developed a comprehensive set of tools for trend management. The tools are at the core of the system we have developed for the practise of foresight and trend management. The trend management and multidimensional thinking frameworks for research and analysis, mapping – and our forecasting tools for scenarios, mindsets and personas.

The toolkit ecosystem

Research and analysis frameworks

  • Trend Atlas
  • Trend Cards
  • Trend Compass
  • Trend accelerators
  • The 4P model
  • Multi-Dimensional model

Scenario and forecasting tools

  • Trend and Lifestyle Navigators
  • Scenario Navigators
  • Scenario matrix

The tools are available in our membership section and to Kjaer-academy students. Sign up here


Syllabus THINK module

Syllabus WORK module

Syllabus PLAY module

Get the Kjaer Global Brochure


Our first module THINK introduces the futurist mindset and habits. In six lessons, we guide you on your path to learn how to think like a futurist while sharing essential skills to plot out your own journey. What you learn will be useful, whether you look to develop as an individual or as a business.

The WORK module takes you through the work of a futurist. We explore practical tools, methodologies and how a diverse range of futurists works. Why investing in tomorrow, today, is key to sustainable performance. How past and present knowledge can help us understand the future.

In PLAY, we bring the skills from module 1 + 2 into action. What are trends and how do you apply them? We explore foresight in action, and how our toolkit and system can be applied in your context. Hands-on learning for anyone who wants to be a practicing futurist.